The definition of recovery programs given by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is "a process of change through which individuals improve their health and wellness, live a self-directed life, and strive to reach their full potential." Recovery programs are designed for various types of addiction and provide individual and group counseling, numerous therapy options, relapse prevention, and aftercare.
If you or a loved one are seeking help for a substance addiction problem, call Garland Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531 to hear more about your options.
Goals for treatment include abstinence, behavior modification, correct negative thinking, and attending to any underlying issues. Among the various treatment models behavioral therapy is the most used and the most effective therapy model for drug and alcohol addiction. The most common behavioral treatment programs are cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational-interviewing therapy, and Motivational Incentives Therapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - This treatment approach has been the standard in drug and alcohol treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy reinforces skills in recognizing dysfunctional thinking and behaviors, correcting the patterns, and using purposeful thinking and self-talk to adjust internal emotional and psychological driven thought. Examples of cognitive errors in thought patterns include: Blaming, fairness statements, overgeneralizing, mislabeling, minimization, should statements, magnification, and catastrophizing situations. Behavioral therapies teach the addict to anticipate potentially problematic situations and develop strategies to help them cope and adjust their behavior to the situation.
Motivational Interviewing Therapy - This type of therapy takes a humanistic approach to treatment. Motivational interviewing is a directed conversation, by where the "interviewer" (therapist) guides the conversation through questions that let the patient examine their behaviors and thought patterns, and explore their lack of desire to change. This method is often used with addicts that have not admitted that they have a problem and have no desire to change their behaviors. This mode of therapy is a partnership between the therapist and the patient, and the goal of the therapy is self-actualization.
Motivational Incentives Therapy - This model of therapy is comprised of material incentives traded to reinforce desired behavior and improve program retention. Incentives include:
Vouchers - Monetary vouchers redeemable for goods, food, and services may be obtained with every required drug-free urine sample
Prize Incentives - Chances for a drawing to win from $1-$100 cash with every required urine sample or breath test.
Music Therapy - This is used as a supplement in a treatment program. The definition of music therapy is "Clinical and evidence-based use of music to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic environment". Music therapy helps with depression, and aids in managing stress and provides positive emotional feed-back.
SMART Recovery - Self Management and Recovery Training (SMART) is a four point, scientifically-based program consisting of group sessions. The four points of the system include: Motivation, regulation of cravings, managing thoughts and behaviors, and achieving balanced-living.
Restorative Yoga - These programs are designed as a supplement to alcohol and drug abuse treatment programs. Mind-body centered, these programs combine breathing techniques with the physical movement of yoga therapy to strengthen and create balance through the entire body. These programs are especially useful in dual diagnosis scenarios that include PTSD, depression, OCD, insomnia, lack of mental concentration, mood swings, and play an important part in physical health and relapse prevention.
Art Therapy - Art therapy programs relate to self-expression through art that strengthens physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Most forms of artistic expression are accepted. The goals of the program are to gain self-awareness, cope with stress, gain insight into personal issues, improve self-esteem, develop social skills, and learn self-control.
If you, or someone you know needs help or information on recovery programs, please call Garland Drug Treatment Centers at (877) 804-1531.